
Anishinaabemowin Language

Anishinaabemowin (Language):


The Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation are of the Anishinaabek people. The Anishinaabek people speak Anishinaabemowin – which translates to “language” it is comprised of three main dialects Ojibway, Pottawatomi, Odawa.

The Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation would be similar to the Ojibway dialect of Anishinaabemowin.



Please see below for resources for those wishing to learn Anishinaabemowin below:

Anishinaabemowin Classes (click the photo for the event page):

Find previous classes on Youtube:



Downloadable PDFs (click on the photos to download):

Anishinaabemowin Nwewewin

Anishinaabe pane

VTA anishinaabemowin Chart

Anishinaabe Numbers and Colours

Ojibwe Kidwanan

Ojibwe Structure reference book

Anishinaabe Naadmaadwin Mzina’igan

Eshkintam Anishinaabe Mzinagan

Other resources:





Click here for requests for Anishinaabemowin translations.