
Department of Consultation & Accommodation (DOCA)


4065 Hwy. 6, Hagersville, ON, N0A 1H0

Phone Number

DOCA Mandate:

To engage in consultation processes with the Crown (Federal and Provincial governments) and private sector proponents on proposed development projects that may impact the rights and interests of MCFN and to ensure that environmentally sustainable practices are being implemented in response to any concerns about the land, water, air, species at risk, and the health of its people.

DOCA will ensure that responsible practices are implemented to protect the heritage and archaeology of the First Nation.

DOCA is responsible for strengthening recognition of the rich heritage of MCFN by increasing public awareness and by being directly involved in all planning and development within MCFN’s traditional and treaty territory.

DOCA will assess and help mitigate impacts on our rights, land claims and ways of life by building relationships/partnerships with governments and private sector proponents. The department also works to advance negotiations with key proponents for securing long term relationship agreements or business partnerships in the spirit of peace, respect, and friendship.

PLEASE READ:  MCFN Standards & Guidelines for Archaeology