2023- 2025
Ogimaa-Kwe (Chief) Claire Sault
Email: claires@mncfn.ca
Councillor Jesse Herkimer, Pillar 1 Lead: Inclusive Prosperity, Economic Growth and Job Creation
Email: jesseh@mncfn.ca
Councillor Leslie Maracle, Pillar 2 Lead: Nation Well-Being and Wellness
Email: Councillor Leslie Maracle
Councillor Fawn Sault, Pillar 3 Lead: Environment and Sustainability Stewardship for Land, Air, Water and Natural Resources
Tel: 905-869-5805
Email: FawnS@mncfn.ca
Councillor Veronica King-Jamieson, Pillar 4 Lead: Education and Awareness
Tel: (905) 869-5753
Email: VeronicaK@mncfn.ca
Councillor Erma Ferrell, Pillar 5 Lead: Cultural Awareness, Communications and Outreach
Tel: (905) 869-5760
Email: ErmaF@mncfn.ca
Pillar 6 Lead: Infrastructure, Community and Membership Development
Councillor Larry Sault, Pillar 7 Lead: Inclusive Leadership and Governance
Email: larrys@mncfn.ca
Interview Requests
Please direct interview requests for Chief and Councillors to Gov.Comm@mncfn.ca
Request a presentation or event welcoming from Chief or Councillor
Please complete the MCFN Request for Event Participation Form.
Please be advised: land acknowledgements should not be “performed” by the First Nation or its members, as it should be presented by the outside organizations as a sign of respect. The First Nation or it’s members would be happy to provide opening remarks at events on our Treaty Lands and Territory following a Land Acknowledgement.