
Treaty Lands & Territory

MCFN Land Acknowledgement Guidelines and Logo Usage Application

The following territory recognition statements have been developed to assist organizations in the acknowledgement of the Treaty lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, direct descendants of the Mississaugas of the Credit. 

Click HERE for the MCFN Land Acknowledgement Guidelines

Please be advised: these land acknowledgements should not be “performed” by the First Nation or its members, as it should be presented by the outside organization as a sign of respect. The First Nation or it’s members would be happy to provide opening remarks at events on our Treaty Lands and Territory following a Land Acknowledgement. 

Please email Gov.Comm@mncfn.ca if you have any further questions.

Mississaugas of the Credit Logo Usage

Permission to use the Mississaugas of the Credit logo independently or with a Mississaugas of the Credit Treaty Lands and Territory Recognition Statement must be explicitly granted by the Mississaugas of the Credit on a case-by-case basis for use in materials including the following:

  • Plaques, or other signage
  • Print or online publications (including advertising)
  • Verbal presentations and presentation visuals or videos

Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation (MCFN) partners or events sponsored by MCFN are exempted from this requirement and may use the MCFN logo according to MCFN Logo Usage Guidelines.
b) Use of the MCFN logo must be granted on a case-by-case basis to organizations that meet the following requirements:

  • Must be located within Mississaugas of the Credit Treaty Lands and Territory
  • Must not be engaged in activities that discriminate on the basis of race, religious creed, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or disability
  • Must not be engaged in unlawful activities or activities that are in conflict with Mississaugas of the Credit values

Logo Usage Guidelines

  • Must not appear as an endorsement or sponsorship by Mississaugas of the Credit unless specified in a written agreement with Mississaugas of the Credit
  • Must not be used on merchandise intended for purchase unless specified in written agreement with Mississaugas of the Credit
  • Must not be altered in any way including colour or proportion.
  • Mississaugas of the Credit reserves the right to refuse the use of the Mississaugas of the Credit logo for any reason.

Click here for the MCFN logo usage application