

Post Secondary Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to apply more than once?

Yes, each academic year you must submit an application.

What is the deadline to apply for funding?

The Academic year has three deadline dates, depending on the start of the semester, and starts with May, ending in April of the following year.

Feb. 1 for Spring Summer (May-August)

May 1 for Fall (Sept-Dec.)

Oct. 1 for Winter (Jan-April)

Do I have to apply online and submit paper too?

Yes. You need to sign the forms and submit them online to your file after applying.

Peer tutors aren’t helping. Can I get a real tutor?

Yes. See the Tutoring Policy, for complete details, but tutoring is an allowable expense.

The application services for College and University cost money. Do I have to pay it?

You can pay and apply for reimbursement with your receipt, or make an appointment to apply from the office and we can cover the cost.

Can I go to College after graduating from University?

Yes. Especially if the college course is required to move forward in your career path (Teachers College) or the program is a Community identified priority, then yes. If in doubt, ask us!

If I was on an IEP in secondary school, can I still go to Post secondary?

Yes. You might want to look into getting accommodations from the school before you start. These things can take way more time than you think they will.

Do I have to prove residency in Canada to apply for funding?

No. You don’t even have to attend a school in Canada to be funded.

I am not ready for the intensive course I really want, can I take a prep program somewhere?

Yes, provided the program is at a recognized public school, like a Canadian college or university.